How Do I Blend Cultures When I Have No Idea What I'm Doing?

Blending Cultures When I Have No Idea What I'm DoingIt doesn’t matter how old we are, how many kids we have, or how many years of marriage are under our belts… we all hit the same realization eventually… "I have no idea what I’m doing."I’ve thought this...during fights with my husband...   while correcting my children...   while looking at my messy house...   while driving with screaming kids in the car...   after I burn dinner for the second time...   when my kids ask me earth shattering questions about life... and especially when my husband and I try to figure out how to blend cultures in our family. It’s a normal feeling to have. We’ve all had it and will have it in the future. Instead of feeling defeated, we need to realize none of us know what we’re doing. All we can do is take it one day and one step at a time.

How Do I Blend Cultures When I Have No Idea What I’m Doing?

Talk. You and your spouse need to do a whole lot of talking. The more you talk about blending cultures, the more it’s on your mind, and the more intentional you’ll be. You may not know how to blend cultures in the moment, but that's okay!You can talk after a situation comes up and discuss how you could have blended better.Often times, we look back at situations and feel defeated because we see a missed opportunity. In reality, it was a teaching opportunity for your family. You can talk about it together and discuss what you could do next time or you and your spouse make a plan for next time.

The Worst Thing You Can Do When Blending Cultures...

Keeping your thoughts to yourself. It’s incredibly important in any relationship to keep the lines of communication open. You need to talk about how you feel, your opinions, and what you want to see in your family.Communication will help you blend cultures because you’ll know what’s important to each other and how you can make sure those things are present in your family and relationship.

None Of Us Know What We’re Doing

At the end of the day, none of us really know what we’re doing. We’re all figuring it out just like you. The only way any of us learns is by walking through life and sometimes through failing. After we fail, we can learn from it. The most important thing to keep in mind is how you respond. If you have no clue what you’re doing ask for advice, follow your gut, and give yourself a break.There isn’t a book out there that can tell us what to do every step of the way, so we’re all just doing the best we can. Guess what… You’re going to enjoy blending cultures way more if you just let it all go. It’s going to happen. You’re going to figure it out.

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Raising Young Men In A Time Of Trump And #MeToo

Raising Young Boys In A Time Of Trump and #MeTooI'll never forget the moment I held all three of my little boys for the first time. Staring at their beautiful little faces wondering how in the world they could be mind.My boys.Six years later and I still find myself staring at them in the same way. Even after a long day of tantrums, fighting, wild antics, and all. Those wild little boys are mine.When I go to sleep at night, I find myself praying that their dad and I can raise them to be the kind of men this world needs.Men that know the importance of chivalry.Men that always strive to make the world a better place.Men that take care of their family and make them feel safe.Men that look out for people around them.Men that don't contribute to a #MeToo environment but stand alongside others knowing it's time for a change.It's a lot of responsibility to raise young men, especially the men you know they should be. It means we as their mothers have to fight hard now. We need to take every opportunity we can to teach them and surround them with men that lead by example.We have to stand up and fight against the negative examples of men that reflect the very disease in our society that leads to a time of #MeToo.

How can we raise young men with integrity when Trump is the most powerful leader in their country?

He stands for everything I don't want my kids to be. Regardless of your thoughts on politics, he's known for sexualizing women, joking about assaulting them, racist remarks, and promoting violence.He's undoing years of progress made in our country over the last hundred years.As a leader, our kids look up to him. They learn from his actions and words. Yes, even his toxic Twitter account where teens spend most of their time.So what can we do? Are we doomed to ending up with kids like the leader of our very own country?No. Hell no.Raising Young Boys In A Time Of Trump and #MeToo

It's our job to teach our boys to be set apart.

They don't need to conform to the standard of men society has deemed acceptable. Our boys need to rise above be better.Every mother out there needs to challenge their kids daily. Raise the bar for them.Expect them to be chivalrous and hold doors open for people.Expect them to protect women rather than take advantage.Expect them to behave like young men with integrity and they will rise to the challenge.The time is now. We need to step up and challenge toxic masculinity at every step so our young boys can be the beginning of change. I refuse to raise my boys in the shadow of this example. They need to break through every bad example, every suggestion from our society, and SHINE.They need to learn to be the very examples we hope they find in their lives.

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Our Favorite Bollywood Movies This Month!

Top Bollywood Movies To Watch As A CoupleOne of my favorite things to do when I visit my husband’s family is sit down with his aunts and mom to watch Bollywood movies. They’ve introduced me to so many over the years and lately my husband and I have been watching them more at home.I love watching them together as a family because my husband and I both enjoy them and it’s a great opportunity to learn more about Indian culture and even the language.Netflix has been a goldmine for Bollywood movies! We have found family friends movies and movies perfect for after they go to bed.Here are a few of the movies my husband and I are obsessed with this month!

Maacher Jhol

Basically, imagine the Indian Gordan Ramsey! This movie follows the life of a chef who gets called back home to Kolkata after his mom gets sick. As the story unfolds you find out it’s been nearly 13 years since he’s been there and he finds out what he left behind. This movie is set apart from your typical Bollywood movie because it reveals an interracial love story!


If you like thriller movies that keep you guessing, this is your movie. It follows a pregnant woman who travels to India to find her missing husband. Only when she gets there nothing is as it seems no one knows who or where her husband is.


This was my favorite movies this month. It has everything I love… Singing, dancing, and a romance story! Two twins cause chaos everywhere they go as they try to hide their relationships from their family who tries to arrange their marriages to other girls. They throw each other under the bus to save their own skin and it’s hilarious!


A modern-day Romeo and Juliet. This epic movie follows the life of Prince Ashoka who falls in love. After crazy circumstances, he ends up a ruthless warrior and you get to see his journey back to himself. All while he practically conquers India! This is a great movie for couples because it’s full of action and romance.

Prem Ratan Dan Payo

A prince is days before his coronation and someone tries to kill him. His family keeps it a secret while he recovers and lets a stranger who looks just like him replace him. His future bride notices the difference because her stern fiance is now a fun a playful man. This movie is full of lighthearted moments, action, and a beautiful romance!

What are your favorite Bollywood movies this month?

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How Interracial Couples Can Find The Perfect Balance

How Interracial Couples Can Find The Perfect Balance When Blending Cultures

How Interracial Couples Find The Perfect balance

Over the last ten years, I've been learning about Indian culture, experiencing it, and have slowly seen how it's become a part of who I am.I don't even realize how much Indian culture has spilled into my identity until other people spend out with our multiracial family. Then I have to explain little things like why we eat Indian food with our hands, call family members by unique names, let people speak into our kid's lives, have so many people living with us, or even clothes our kids wear to special events.I love it.My husband and I have started our own little family and I love seeing what we have made together. Our little life has become so much richer than I ever would have expected to be possible.We're happy. We've found a balance that works for us and strive to get better at it every year.


It means something different in every family. While we have learned a balance that works for us in this season, we also know that it changes as we grow. Life happens and our circumstances change which means our balance has to change with it.We find our balance by talking to each other and finding out what we both need in our relationship. I'll give you a little hint. Finding a good balance means knowing when to say yes and when to say no.Sometimes we think it's wrong to say no, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Saying no means you know what you need and are willing to draw a line in the sand when need be.My husband and I figure out our balance by finding out what we both need. It's not always hard to figure that out. Sometimes it comes easy and natural to make the right choice.Other times you actually have to step out of your comfort zone and experience something before you make the decision. Whether it's a food concoction you could never have imagined trying or letting someone hand feed you... It's okay to try something new even if you feel a little uncomfortable at the beginning.

However, what do you do when you've either tried something or you've decided to put your foot down and say no?

If you're anything like me you may start comparing yourself to other couples out there. Then you start questioning everything.Am I embracing my husband's culture if I don't carry on all of his traditions?Will people think I don't care about his culture?This is typically the point in the process when my mind starts to go down about a dozen rabbit trails and I get lost in my head. I've always struggled with people pleasing and will even start to question myself if I think people may judge my decision.How Interracial Couples Can Find The Perfect Balance When Blending Cultures

Well, today I say something and even remind myself about something I've said many times before...

Decisions made in your relationship are between you and your partner. The balance you find needs to work for you and doesn't have to work for everyone else.There's no way to make everyone happy. You can't carry on every single tradition and that's okay. You get to pick and choose the ones that are best for you as a family.The most important thing you can do is talk as a couple. Walk through each decision together and talk about it. Your partner is a great person to talk to because they can tell if you're saying no because you're scared and nervous to step out of your comfort zone or if it's what you truly want.This is why I call myself the "Almost" Indian Wife. I'm not Indian. I don't have to carry on every single thing Indian culture tells me to. Same goes for you. Take all of that pressure off of your shoulder and have fun. Have fun figuring out what you'll carry on in your own family.At the end of the day the decision you make as a couple is perfect for your family. Whether you want to say yes or no to living in a joint family, shaving your kid's hair on the first birthday, or any other tradition... it's okay. Do what works for you and your partner.

Find the balance that works best for you.

How Interracial Couples Can Find The Perfect Balance When Blending Cultures
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20+ Crafts Around The World

Are you looking for fun crafts that teach your kids about the world around them? Here is a list of 25+ crafts from around the world perfect for a fun day with the kids!

My boys are masters of creating mess and mischief. In fact, most days I look around my house and wonder how in the world they were able to make such a big mess in such a little amount of time.A question asked by moms around the world!Rather than try to keep them clean and tidy... okay rather than stress myself out over the impossibility of such a thing I've learned to get creative. In the summertime, I let them go wild outside with a hose and finger paint and during the winter time we bake together!I know it sounds silly, but embracing the mess is much harder than I expected. Life is just so much messier with kids but the expectations of having a neat and tidy house are still there. They still creep up my arm every time the boys spill curry on their chairs during dinner or the bathroom floor turns into a pool of water.I've had to learn to focus on the adventure sometimes.Sometimes, the memories they're making by turning the bathtub into a pirate ship is worth mopping the floor afterward.So this year, we're looking for more crafts to do during the week. It helps channel a bit of their wild energy! Not to mention, I love seeing what they're able to create with their imagination and some paper.I've shared fun activities to do during the winter time and now it's time to find some crafts that teach us about the world! Take the kids on an adventure every time they sit down to do a craft!

20+ Crafts From Around The World

Here are a few of our favorite crafts we've found so far! They're all easy to put together and the instructions are perfect for mommas like me that need a little help with creativity!1. Painted Stick Craft From Two-Daloo2. Day Of The Dead Skulls From Happy Thought3. DIY Diya From Little Passports4. Totem Pole From Art And Go5 .Eskimo Craft From Mrs Kilburn Kiddos6. Bagpipes  From Crayola7. India Flag From Artsy Craftsy Mom8. African Drums From Erin Shakespear9. Hieroglyph Bags From Pioneer Woman10. Swedish Horse From The Educator's Spin On It11. Weaving Loom From Hello Wonderful12. Mandalas From Artful Parent13. Dreamcatchers From Cutting and Sticking14. African Collar Necklace From Education15. Passports  From Free Homeschool Deals16. Hamsa Craft From Kid World Citizen17. Henna Hands Craft From Kid World Citizen18. Flag Wreath From Meaningful Mama19. Russian Matryoshka Dolls From Mrs T's First Grade Class20. Paper Sack Piñata  From Scattered Thoughts Of A Crafty Mom21. Cherry Blossom Fans From Fun Crafts Kids22. Chinese Lanterns From Tips From A Typical Mom Blog23. Rangoli  From The Educators Spin On It24. Brazilian Rain Stick Made With Happy25. Dutch Windmill Craft From Grandparents Plus Did you like this post? Head over and see 50+ Activities For Kids To Do Inside when it's cold!

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One Piece Of Advice That's Kept My Interracial Marriage Strong

One Piece Of Advice That's Kept My Interracial Marriage StrongI was sitting down with my husband last night, listening to him play his guitar. All I could think about is how I used to watch him play almost ten years ago. I was only two years out of high school and barely knew what I was doing in life, but one thing I did know was how much I was starting to love this man of mine.The last ten years has been a whirlwind for my husband and I. We were both so young when we got married and now we have three boys, we've moved half a dozen times across the US, and the grey hairs have begun.I remind my kids every day that every grey hair on my head is because of them. They just laugh and go back to their wild antics.It's interesting to look back at the two kids we were when we got together. We had no idea about all the experiences life would throw our way.If there's one lesson we've learned through it all, it would definitely be how important it is to be a team.

We're a team. My husband and I are an unbreakable team.

Sure, there are days we don't always like each other all that well, but I love him with all of my heart. We've gotten each other through some tough times, health scares with the kids, and uprooted our family a few times.Not to mention walking through uncharted territory when it comes to blending cultures in our little family. There have been so many times where we find ourselves at odds on what's expected of us from a new culture, how to blend cultures into a new unique culture, and how to step out of our comfort zones to try new things.I'll be the first to say that it's hard.Life is hard.Interracial marriages are hard and require a lot of work.However, I would never dream up a different life for myself. I love my husband, his culture, the culture we have cultivated for our own family, and every piece of our unconventional life.The way we get through it is by standing by each other through it all. When we go into uncharted territories, I know my husband is there by my side to help me navigate the waters. I can lean on him and he can lean on me.Before anything else, we're a team.

Being a strong team helps guide us in our decisions every day.

When we are trying to figure out what to do, we look to see what's best for us as a family first and ask ourselves very specific questions. Is this going to help us grow as a family? Is this healthy for our family?As an interracial couple, we often find ourselves looking for any guidance on what to do. There are countless decisions to make every day for our relationship and families. By asking these questions before you take on step forward, it helps you know what to do or at least what direction you should start going in.

Being A Team Builds A Strong Foundation.

Relationships need to sit on a firm foundation so you can face any storm that comes your way. You need to know you can trust each other and depend on each other throughout it all.Interracial couples constantly walk into new and maybe even uncomfortable situations. You can even start to feel like an outsider when stepping into your partner's culture. If you walk into those moments as a team, you instantly feel more at ease. You know your partner is there to walk you through it and to help you figure it all out.My challenge to all of you is find out how you and your partner can be a better team this year. What can you do to make sure you are there for them throughout every situation and experience. Open up and tell them how they can be there for you. Then take the leap together and step out of your comfort zones.One Piece Of Advice That's Kept My Interracial Marriage Strong

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Marriage Brings Out The Crazy In All Of Us

Marriage Brings Out The Crazy In All Of Us
I love sharing stories from the beginning of my marriage because it reminds me just how young we were. I was only 20 when I said I do and my husband was 23. At the time, I thought we were extremely mature for our ages. Then I share stores like I'm about to and I realize maybe it wasn't the case after all.

Rewind About 8 Years

When my husband and I got married, we both realized how important to learn more about Indian culture together. I wanted to soak it all in because I wanted it to truly be a part of our marriage.I was so concerned about learning those new traditions and customs that I didn't realize how odd some of my family's may seem to him. That was until this happened...

Introducing My Husband To My Childhood

We had been married for about a month when I decided to share a special meal with him. I grew up eating tuna noodle casserole and loved it! The tender egg noodles, moist tuna, and the crunch of the crackers on top makes my mouth water. (I even craved it while I was pregnant about two years later!) My husband, on the other hand, was used to spicy and very rich dishes. Casseroles... not so much.I went to the store after work and grabbed all of the ingredients. My husband was still in school getting his bachelor's degree at the time and I knew he would be home late for dinner. I had plenty of time to put together a good meal. After preparing it, I put the dish in the oven.I anxiously watched the clock because I couldn't wait for my husband to get home. I was so excited to share this with him! He walked in the front door a few moments later and I watched him excitedly. If I walked home to the smell of this delicious meal I would race to the dinner table, eager to devour every last bite.He took in a deep breath and a confused smile started to emerge.Umm. Babe, what are you cooking?I got a little giddy, told him to go sit down for dinner, and he would see. I dished up two large helpings and brought it to the table. I was ready and waiting for the sounds of...Oh, wow!This is amazing!

Then The Unexpected Happened

Instead, I got...It's good.Now, if our husbands are the same, you know what this actually means. It's code for...Dear, God. Please, don't make this again!Why he chooses to fib every time he doesn't like a meal I'll never know.Yelling at him, while explaining I spent a lot of time making that and then giving his dinner to the dog is a natural reaction when he doesn't love every one of my meals. Right?My husband has quickly learned to enjoy all of my meals with a big smile on his face. Even after I badger him to tell me what he thinks, he will lovingly say he loves it.So, maybe I wasn't the most mature when we first got married or maybe marriage just brings out the crazy side inside all of us. I only fed his dinner to the dog one more time... but it really wasn't my fault. He dared me and if my momma taught me anything it's never chicken out on a dare! Okay, I don't think that was my mom, but hey!

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I Never Would Have Expected To Learn This From My Interracial Relationship

A Few Things Being In An Interracial Relationship Can Teach YouThere's nothing like getting into a relationship that causes you to lay it all out on the table. Things you may have tried to keep to yourself before just don't matter anymore. They're with you and they either need to live with it or..This means your once oh-so-tidy partner may let you in on the well-known secret that they're a slob.. Or maybe you're the slob.The adventurous person you spent many wild nights may slowly become content with an evening at home watching Netflix with you.It all just changes.You become comfortable with each other and you let your walls down.What about interracial couples?We talk a lot about how they like to make everything a little trickier, more adventurous, and overall throw a curveball right at you!Being in an interracial relationship means you won't only find out about your partner, but you learn a lot about yourself too.

A Few Things Being In An Interracial Relationship Teaches You

You have no clue what you're doing.

I'd love to say you figure everything out after a few years, but I don't think it's ever the case. Experience teaches you a lot, but interracial relationships have a little curveball of their own.As you start to figure something out, you enter into a new phase of your relationship. You go from learning how to behave in your spouse's culture and then you have kids and the dynamics all change.Don't stress about it and give yourself a break. Take it day by day and use everything you've learned as you move forward.

Distance means nothing when you're in love.

I used to think there was no way a long distance relationship would work. Then I married a man who ended up having a traveling job. It definitely made things more difficult, but we loved each other. We figured out a way to make it work the best we could.It's that crazy thing about love. It makes you fight hard for what you have, regardless of how hard it may be. You do it because you know it's worth it.

How possible it is to fall in love with another culture.

I grew up in a very white community. Everyone at school was pretty much white and there wasn't a lot of diversity where we lived. Then I somehow met the man of my dreams and he just so happened to be East Indian.Quickly I learned how easy it was to fall in love with Indian culture. We've started a family and integrated it into our own family culture the best we could. I love learning new things about Indian culture and how comfortable in it as well.

You get beyond excited every time you see a new celebrity interracial couple get together!

When you see another interracial couple in public, you tend to get excited. It means another person has joined your little club and you may even find yourself looking for them in public!Seeing a celebrity interracial couple is huge! You cross your fingers and hope they'll be the ones to make it because it starts to normalize multiracial families on a big scale! Hopefully, it bridges its way to the big screen too!

You start to appreciate your culture more

The more you learn about your spouse's culture, the more you start to love your own. I grew up loving my family and who I was, but it changed when I started learning about Indian culture.I had a big desire to learn more about my heritage and even find out where my family came from. I want to be able to tell my kids all about the special things both of our cultures have to offer. Even on a personal level, I just want to know more about who I am!

Just how differently two people can grow up.

My husband and I have so many things in common. We're both the oldest siblings in our families, we're secretly homebodies, and we're obsessed with food. However, there are a lot of differences as well.One of the biggest differences is how we grew up. It starts with how we celebrated birthdays all the way to what we call our relatives. I love it though. Our differences help us to challenge each other to see things differently, to push the other one to be better and brings a lot of excitement into our relationship.

What have you learned from your interracial relationship?

A Few Things Being In An Interracial Relationship Can Teach You

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Interracial Couples: What To Expect When Visiting Your In-Laws

Interracial Couples: What To Expect When Visiting Your In-LawsOne of the scariest things in a new relationship is the day you meet your future in-laws. It's intimidating and downright unnerving. You want to make the best impression possible, but so many thoughts start running through your mind.You know how important it is for it to go well because you truly love your partner. They've changed your world and you want to fit nicely into theirs.Meeting your in-laws is typically more unnerving for interracial couples as well because you're trying to learn a new set of cultural expectations on top of everything else.I've shared my experience with you guys before.As you can all see in my experience, one thing that can make the night a bit more difficult is when you don't know what to expect. Indian culture was completely new to me. I was trying to navigate through it all while preparing for a huge step in my relationship.Not to mention, teaching someone about Indian culture was new to my husband. Growing up, he had shared experiences and food with his friends, but he usually let his family fill them in on what to do during. When we got together, I had all kinds of questions for him. I wanted to know the whats as well as all the whys behind everything that went on.It was the only way I knew to throw myself into his culture so I could take part in as many things as I could. I didn't just want to know about Indian culture, I wanted to experience it.Whether you're about to meet your in-laws for the first time over the holidays or you're still getting to know them, there are a few things you should know.Interracial Couples: What To Expect When Visiting Your In-Laws

Respect, Respect, Respect

Indian families tend to be more traditional than some Western families. You should talk to your partner beforehand and ask him how to show his/her family respect. While in your family it may mean telling them to feel at home, it means bringing your in-laws a cup of tea in Indian families.Cultural expectations look different when it comes to respect so your best bet is to communicate with your partner and go above and beyond what you see as respect. As you get to know them, you'll start to learn what respect looks like in their family.

Offer To Help

It doesn't if you're at your home or someone else, always offer to help. You can offer to help cook the meal, clean up dishes afterward, or offer to get someone a glass of water at any point. It's a small thing that goes a very long way.

Don't Use First Names

First names are a no-no with anyone older than you. Ask your partner what you should call them. In most Telugu families you will call everyone aunty and uncle. It's a general sign of respect and is about the same and Mrs. and Mr.Don't be like me and call your mother in law by her first name... Oops!

Hand Feeding

Hand feeding is very common in Indian families. Most Indian food is eaten with your hands. So during meal time, you won't see utensils unless they're trying to be nice to you.You will probably even see elders hand feed loved ones younger than them. They may do it to offer a taste to someone or do it to simply feed someone. It's not just with kids either. It's a gesture of love and very special thing among Indian family members.

Bring A Gift

If you're going to someone else's house, always bring a gift. It doesn't have to be big. It can be a festive candle, box of chocolates, or just about anything. It will score you major points with your in-laws and shows them that you're grateful to be asked into their home.

Take Off Your Shoes

Always take off your shoes when you step into someone's home. You will probably notice a stack of shoes by the door. Always look for them to see if it's expected at someone's home before you walk in. If you don't see it, you can simply ask.


Public displays of affection are a big no when it comes to most traditional Indian families. This means you shouldn't be snuggling up to or kissing your partner while around their family. Holding hands is the line and you may even want to run that by your loved one.

Interracial Couples: What To Expect When Visiting Your In-Laws
At the end of the day, if you're unsure you can ask your partner. I got very lucky with my husband's family because they're all willing to help me out. His sister has saved me so many times! I can simply call her up and ask for her advice. The rest of his family has also been wonderful because they like teaching me the ins and outs of Indian culture. Maybe even tease me a bit as well!

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My Son Is Colorblind

My son is colorblind

I'm very excited to introduce you to Rebecca, a presently homeschooling mother of 2, wife to her teenage sweetheart, and author & illustrator of Evie & Alistair: Farmhouse Warriors, now available on Amazon.

This is not a metaphor in regard to racial equality, being that he is a brown boy raised in a peach family. In fact, that metaphor is a significant irritation due to its unintended implications that we are choosing to overlook something that is perceived as inherently less-than in order to accept a person in spite of what they possess, rather than embracing or wholly valuing a person, with color being a fundamental ingredient in the makeup of who they are.Medically speaking, our son has strong deuteranomaly.  Without the intervention of technology or a miraculous act of God, he will never see color rightly.  That’s just the state of how he was wired in all his humanness. This doesn’t mean that there is something innately wrong with his personhood. It simply means that his visual perception is off.Colorblindness isn’t the only issue with our boy’s vision, and quite honestly, he is so good at compensating for it I may have never been aware of his struggles if a routine screening hadn’t indicated such.  He seemed to recognize characters without trouble, he wasn’t squinting or complaining of headaches, and at the time his mix-ups in color recognition could be chalked up as age appropriate. He correctly identified them much of the time too, which cleverly masked his distortion. It’s just that his eyes are the only eyes that he has ever lived with, so he had adapted his output quite well, and at first none of us knew that what he was taking in wasn’t the right thing.His perception is totally valid, understandable, and logical.  But its legitimacy & rationality don’t change the fact that it is wrong.Our boy is a problem solver by nature. For example, when he wanted me to cook a grilled cheese sandwich but I was unwilling, he took it upon himself to toast bread in the toaster, put cheese on it, and melt it in the microwave (since he’s not allowed to use the stove).  I thought that showed pretty good ingenuity and initiative for a then 5 (now 7) year old.I’ve noticed this quality playing out in the practicality of education as well.  Often his instructions would be to color a certain section according to a calculated sum.  You know… color all of the 4’s yellow, color all of the 9’s purple, etc. Initially, though his arithmetic was correct, his colors were off. A lot.  Understanding that it was due to the challenge with his eyesight, if I even were to say anything at all I may occasionally point out, “This is actually green and not brown, although I know it’s hard for you to see that.”  As time went on, I realized that he hadn’t been making as many mistakes.  I honestly just thought that his improvements were simply due to lucky guessing. Until one day, I noticed something peculiar out of the corner of my eye: our son would pick up a crayon, gaze at it intently, put it down. Pick up another crayon, examine it, put it down. Pick up another crayon, pause, use it.  He was reading the labels!  Duh! It never even occurred to me to suggest for him to do this, though it probably should have.  (Hooray for getting that whole reading thing down).My son is colorblindOur boy acknowledged his weakness.  He didn’t whine about it being hard. He didn’t make excuses about how he couldn’t help that he sees things the way he sees them. He didn’t play the victim and protest the way that he was made and wallow in self-defeat.  He simply allowed his weakness to become an opportunity to exercise his strength.Our son went to the source– referred to the name that the crayon was designed to be, and did the next right thing in accordance to the truth—regardless of how he saw it.    And what a beautiful picture was made.I don’t know about you, but I’m a grown-up and I still struggle with a tendency to elevate my perception and experiences as the standard of truth. Based upon the evidences set forth amidst the racially charged society in which we live, I am certain I am not the only one.  Insides bow up against spoken truths when they feel like threats to our intentions, credibility, and value.  I get stuck on not wanting to be misunderstood and so choose silence over solidarity. Frustrations arise at the brokenness and blindness of civilization, and I’m grievously overwrought when I realize my own.  Peace is touted as a means to villainize the cries of the oppressed, justifying our comfort rather than actually pursuing justice necessary to bring about the genuine peace we claim to seek.The most worthwhile words of advice I have ever received as the white mother of a black son have been those that have directed my eyes to be opened to the full scope of history and culture, to not automatically shut out discomfort as my privilege allows, and to truly, intentionally see.  Because no matter how I raise him, my dark brown son is going to grow up to be a dark brown man, walking independently of my white umbrella-shield.  Choosing to turn a blind eye to the reality of what’s out there when others’ interactions are often based upon their own perceptions in regard to color does him no benefit, and is in fact a disservice that sets him up to be overcome by shock and awe.In the case of my son’s vision, I would not have taken the steps necessary to help him compensate for his deficiencies in vision if nobody ever told me they existed.  He never would have bothered to work through his own inaccuracies if he were never made aware that he wasn’t seeing things quite right.  Berating him for his shortcomings would have been absolutely asinine and not at all helpful. But the truth still needed to be lovingly spoken in order for a beneficial change to be made.   Here’s the thing: once we see, we can’t unsee.  We are responsible for our awareness.  It hurts, it’s hard, and it takes a whole lot of grit. But in that striving and ache is exactly where beautiful strength and unity is birthed.

My son is colorblind
What do we do when a rift in our recognition of reality is revealed? When we have lived so long with the only eyes we have ever known—when we’ve compensated so well that most people haven’t even noticed that we are harboring a deep-seated problem—including ourselves? Like my son, we all have a choice in how we will respond.  When we are made aware of our privilege, we can choose the fragility of denial and defense, or we can choose to embrace what we have been given to champion justice for those who don’t have the same benefits, or at least not the same amount or aspects of them.  When we come face to face with our weaknesses, we can close our eyes and clench our fists while walking destructively forward in our chosen avoidance, or we can acknowledge our weaknesses and mobilize them as catalysts that allow our strengths to emerge.  Once we muster up the magnificent audacity to open our eyes to the truth of where we came from and where we are—to see the glorious potential of who we were created to be as individuals as part of the whole of humanity—we can take the next frightening yet exhilarating steps toward a beautiful picture of real peace.  I may not yet be able to clearly see the reality of what the full picture is supposed to be, but I will allow myself to be an active participant in embracing all the nuances of color and creativity, hurt and healing, that work together to create it.If you'd like to hear more from Rebecca, head over today and pick up her new book! Evie & Alistair: Farmhouse Warriors, now available on Amazon.

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Getting Ready For An Indian Wedding

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TimeWithAveeno #CollectiveBias

Getting Ready For An Indian Wedding

Throughout the last few years, I have attended more Indian events than I can count. It’s where I’ve learned countless little nuggets of wisdom about Indian culture and built relationships with new friends and family. Getting ready to attend an Indian wedding is still a process, but I'm going to share a few tips on what to do and how I use AVEENO® products from Walmart.In Indian families, a wedding isn’t just a wedding. It’s a week long opportunity (longer if it takes place in India) to celebrate the love a couple has for each other and the love their family has for them. The week starts out with a Nalugu. This is a ceremony for the bride and groom. The families make a turmeric paste that they take turns smearing on the couple. The goal behind it started out as a way to lighten the couple's skin and make them glow on their wedding day. Yellow stained turmeric powder will definitely do that! While it sounds foreign to many of us, it truly is a beautiful moment. Family members and friends do it as a sign of love to the couple. Many tear stained faces greet the couple throughout the ceremony and let them know how much they love them. The following days are spent preparing the wedding and making sure all last minute details are finalized. The day of the wedding is similar to an American wedding in that they have a ceremony and reception. The ceremony is different in that there is typically a message from a pastor (full on Sunday morning length) and then the bride receives a necklace from her groom. It's called a mangalasutra and it has a very similar meaning to a wedding ring. I love thinking about all the different things that happen during Indian weddings. It brings up memories of my own wedding and throws me into full blown sentimental mode! My wedding was definitely a blend of American and Indian culture and we did our best to blend customs during the actual ceremonies. Now, we get to attend weddings and see how they decide to do theirs. We've attended a lot of truly Indian weddings and also weddings for interracial couples as well. After all the stress and chaos of putting together our own wedding, we would choose to attend rather than host a wedding any day of the week! Whether you're an "Almost Indian Wife" like me or you're attending for a friend, these are tips anyone can follow. Getting Ready For An Indian Wedding

Decide What You’re Going To Wear

I am always worried to be over or underdressed at a wedding. It's a concern that bridges cultures. The invitation can specify the dress code, but then you get there and realize you're the only one in formal attire! Or you are going to the wedding of an interracial couple and you don't know if you should wear Indian clothes of American. This happened to me once and I mistakenly asked my hubby what I should wear.Indian clothes.I decided to trust him and ended up the ONLY one in Indian clothes. Well, at least I stood out! I learned my lesson and started calling my sister in law to figure out what I needed to wear to Indian weddings! She taught me to dress to impress. If you're wearing Indian clothes, find the most sparkly and fancy sari you have. There is no such thing as overdressing at an Indian wedding. It helps you to take a big sigh of relief and just go for it. If you're unsure of attire, call someone in the bridal party. They can let you know how traditional the wedding is and whether Indian or American clothes are best.Getting Ready For An Indian Wedding

Freshen Up And Get You Hair Wedding Ready

After you decide on what to wear, it's time to freshen up. Hop in the shower and get a nice little jump start on your day! I love to use AVEENO PURE RENEWAL® Shampoo and Conditioner. Your hair has to stand up to an entire day of wedding customs, dancing, and more!I've made the mistake of using hotel conditioner and ended up a frizzy mess by the end of the night. That's why I started using AVEENO®. It helped my hair to become silky and easy to style. You know you'll end up with an aunty making a comment about your hair and makeup at some point during your evening. There's always something they think you could do better. AVEENO® has your back! They use sulfate-free formulas that make your health look healthy and full of life! They don't leave room for aunty to say one word!Along with a fancy outfit, I love making sure my hair can stand up to the beautiful sari.How To Get Ready For An Indian Wedding

Find Out How To Put Everything On

You'd think at almost 30, I would know how to get myself dressed; however, Indian clothes are a whole new ballgame. It's straight up HARD. If you're wearing a lehenga, it's a bit easier. All you have to do is put on a skirt and top. It gets tricky when you decide on wearing a sari. It's by far my favorite because it's so beautiful. The problem is it's miles of fabric with no road map on how to put it on!I've tried to figure it out, but I still need help! Make sure you have someone that can help you put on your outfit if you're still unsure of what to do. I think people typically assume I don't know how to do it, so some aunty typically ends up in my room while I'm getting ready, offering to help me. Then you have the bangles! I swear they're beautiful but they're a death trap. They're tinier than wrists should be, but they expect you to put them on with ease. Or you put them on with a little help from lotion and then you're stuck with them on forever.

Enjoy The Wedding

The last step is easy... Enjoy yourself! Indian weddings are so much fun and after you manage to get ready, it's all a breeze. You get to watch two in love people get married, spend time with friends and family, and dance the night away! At the end of the night, you'll be so exhausted from your amazing evening that you'll be asleep the moment your head hits the pillow.

Getting Ready For An Indian Wedding

A Few More Thoughts About AVEENO®

I mentioned how I get ready using AVEENO PURE RENEWAL® Shampoo and Conditioner in the steps above, but I want to share a bit more. I don't just use them when I get ready for the wedding, but every other part of the wedding week! They help get off any turmeric leftover from the nalugu, get shiny and beautiful hair fit for any occasion, and they do it all using their natural formula. They help you get rid of any impurities and renew your hair after every shower. Not to mention they are perfect for sensitive skin and scalps like mine!Head over to your local Walmart and pick up your AVEENO® products today! You’ll find them for a killer deal at Walmart!Click here to download a coupon and save $2.00 on AVEENO® products!  Wedding weeks are crazy enough without having to worry about your hair and skin. AVEENO® helps calm the crazy by jumping into action!

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Racism Won't Stop If You Stay Quiet

Racism Won't Stop If You Stay QuietI was twenty-one when I witnessed my first racist encounter. I'm sure it wasn't the first time I'd witnessed racism, but sadly it was the first time it made an impression. It was the first time it was personal.Joel and I were sitting in our car, at a red light. We were talking and hardly noticed the car pull up next to us. It was late at night and just like your momma always taught you, nothing good ever happens at night.My husband says he didn't hear it at first, but I did. They started asking me why I was with a n*****. I couldn't believe it. I was completely baffled. We weren't talking to them and didn't do anything to pick a fight with them. They just started going off.I didn't say anything. I was too shocked. Joel hardly flinched. To this day he doesn't even remember the situation.I don't know what hurts more... remembering the encounter or the fact that my husband has encountered ignorant people so often that our experience blended into the rest for him.It was only a few moments. They drove off before either of us could say anything, but I still remember it almost eight years later.It was a pivotal moment in my life. It opened my eyes to the world of racism that still exists. I had been sheltered from it for years even though so many people out there haven't known a life without racism.

The last two years have also opened people's eyes.

We've seen police officers shooting innocent African Americans.We've seen hateful people drive down innocent men and women during riots.We live in a world where parents have to warn their children about what to do if they encounter police or hateful people. Whether they're African American families, East Indian families, or any other ethnic background other than Caucasians... In the world's eyes, white people don't do the harm so every other race must be to blame.To this day, my husband still encounters racist people. They assume he's middle eastern and flag him at airports for extra security checks. He even has to go as far as shaving before he goes on a trip to try and avoid them.It's not okay.I know many people in the world haven't had to experience the same moments. It's the reason I get people emailing me and asking why I focus so much on race and blending cultures in my blog. They essentially question why I won't raise my kids to see life through a color-blind lens.Do you want to know why?

I teach my kids about both sides of their culture because I want them to know how special they are.

Society teaches children that any race other than caucasian is second-rate.Don't believe me?Why is it that the news never refers to a "white" man or woman, but then you'll see taglines like "black on black crime?" The US is supposed to be full of different cultures and backgrounds.Instead, it's a "melting pot." They want everyone to come together, let go of who they were before they came here, and be like everyone else. That's not good enough for me.I don't want to teach my kids they should be like everyone else. No. They're different. They are a beautiful blend of both mine and my husband's culture. I want them to understand what their biracial identity means to them and how important diversity is.

Racism still exists. It's real and it happens every day.

The excuse of "I didn't know" doesn't work anymore. It's not enough. It's the reason NFL players took a knee during a televised event where they know people all over the US were watching. They wanted to let the world know they're done. They're done going on with life and pretending like racial injustices aren't going on.I don't care if you agree with their methods or not. the fact of that matter is they got people talking.We need to stop arguing on Facebook over how the NFL players did it and think about what we can be doing to stop racism. Everyone has a lot to say right now about the NFL, but then they go quiet when you bring up racism.

Racism will never stop if people remain quiet.

We need to band together and stop the hate. Get off your couch, get off Facebook, and do something. Find a way to stand up.Whether it means using your platform to challenge racism or calling out your neighbor when they start sharing a racist joke.Do something.Racism isn't still around solely because of hateful people. It's also because of the hundreds of thousands of people that stay quiet. The people that overhear racism or watch someone get treated unjustly because of their race. Instead of standing up and stopping it, they stay quiet.Today's the day we let the world know we're done with racism.How are you going to make a change?

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5 Reasons Your In-Laws Are All Up In Your Business

5 Reasons Your In-Laws Are All Up In Your BusinessDuring your relationship, you may start to notice just how involved your in-laws or future in-laws become. You may not have come from a family who is overly involved in each other's lives so it's a new concept for you.You try to be polite and smile but in the back of your mind, you're wondering when it's going to stop. You even convince yourself...My in-laws will back off a bit when we get married...One day, they'll give us a bit more room to breathe.When they see I'm here for good, they'll relax.Then the happy and joyous day comes.. You get married and you tell yourself, you're free. Now, it's all going to calm down and you can finally be a private couple. You don't have to worry about the overly involved in-laws and how it's just you two.The days start to roll by, then weeks, and maybe months.You sit down and think #&$&. It didn't stop. Now, you're married into it and have a glimpse into a future of living with critical and bossy relatives.Before you hide under your blankets and start yelling, think about something with me. Let's take a deeper look into the situation and find out whey they're like this.What causes them to jump into your business every time?What makes them feel like they can share advice for every single fight you have?5 Reasons Your In-Laws Are All Up In Your Business

# 5 Reasons Your In-Laws Are All In Your Business

They Care About You

At the end of the day, they like you. Okay, they may be starting to like you, but they like your partner. They want you guys to be happy together and they may even be worried you still need them.As a mom, it's your mother in law's job to take care of her kid. Now you and her kid are together, starting your own family. She's trying to figure out what she can do for you as a couple and how she can make you two to be happy and successful.

They Want You To Make The Best Decisions

They may worry you still don't know exactly what you're doing. I often look at my kids, wondering how they'll ever survive without me! Even though you're both adults, the thoughts still cross their minds.They worry you'll make the wrong decision so they jump in and "gently shove" you towards what they believe is the right choice.

Letting Go Is Harder Than You Think

Your in-laws were responsible for your partner for over a decade. They were there for every snotty nose, coughing spell, late night, doctor visit, and tough choices. Now, they're expected to sit back while life happens all around their kid.They probably know they should sit back and let you guys make your own choices, but it's not as easy as you think.

Family Expectations Are Different

This is where things really get crazy. In your family, starting your own family may mean everyone else steps back. However, it may not be the same in your spouse's family. In many families outside of the US, getting married doesn't mean parents are now out of the equation.It means you've been added into their equation. Now instead of a couple living their lives on their own, you're a family doing things together.

They Want A Special Place In Your Lives

Beyond the cultural differences you may be facing, in-laws just want to know they have a special place in your lives. They may jump in every time they think you need them just to remind you how vital they are.It's scary when things change.Starting your own family means their place in your life transitions and they're trying to figure it out with you.

One Thing You Can Do...

Give your in-laws a bit of a break. Try to see it from their positions. It's not easy when life and roles change.However, for the couple that's been going through this for YEARS... Try to create an open dialogue with your in-laws. Find areas in your life they are needed or could help you with.Let them know they are needed and have a special place in your lives. It helps them to feel validated and also helps to strengthen your relationship with them. They don't want to feel like you're always trying to get rid of them. They do notice.Help then find out where they belong in your new family.

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Interracial Couples: My In-Laws Won't Accept Me

Interracial Couple: My In-Laws Won't Accept MeDo you remember the first few months of your relationship? It was exciting!Everything was new.You were just getting to know your partner and all the feelings you were experiencing for each other were new. You spent all of your time together because you wanted to get to know what made them tick. You wanted to know what it was about them that was making you fall so hard.As your relationship progressed, it changed from living in your own little world together, to branching out. Now, it was time to meet his friends, his loved ones, and of course... his parents.You wanted nothing more than for them to love you because deep down you knew your relationship would last. However, your fears started to make their way to the surface. You started to wonder what they would think about you.Would they love you?

Would they accept you into their family?

We've all experienced this part differently. Some of you have been welcomed in happily and with open arms. Sadly some of you have experienced something much different, much more painful.Instead of feeling completely loved by your new family, you may have faced a harsh reality of being unaccepted. You spent your time worrying about the impression you would make, but they wouldn't even let you get there.They wouldn't give you a chance.What do you do if your new in-laws won't even give you an opportunity to make a bad impression?I've talked to many couples who are facing this situation. Some of them are facing in-laws who won't even talk to them, some partners won't even introduce them because they "know" what their parents will say, some face hostility at every family get together, and sadly they all hurt.

Every one of these situations makes someone feel inadequate.

If this is you, you know the feeling very well. You started off your relationship feeling madly in love and now you wonder if you're enough.Are you enough for him and his family?Should you keep trying?Should you let the relationship go and stop trying?You may think you know exactly what you would do, but you never know. The world tells you to fight for love, to stand up against all odds to hold onto it.Sadly, insecurities are painful. It's not as easy as ignoring it or letting it roll off. If this is you, I have one thing to tell you.You are enough.You are more than enough and love is worth fighting for.Some people get stuck completely stuck in old ideas. They think a relationship has to be between two people who look and behave the same. As a woman who's in an interracial relationship I know, that's not true.

Love comes in all shapes and sizes.

Don't stop fighting. As a couple, you need to hold onto each other for strength and keep walking forward. Don't let someone else tell you who you should love.Your in-laws have a choice. They can accept you for who you are and how happy you've made their child or they can choose to not be a part of your life. It's on them. You can't change them or make them think anything they don't want to and that's okay.You are making a difference. You're showing other interracial couples out there that it's worth the fight. The Loving's taught all of us what that fight can accomplish.We have an opportunity to fight fiercely for change so our kids have more opportunities than we did.Be the change you hope to see in the world. Don't give up.

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Am I A Bad Parent If My Child Chooses One Culture Over The Other?

Am I A Bad Mom If My Child Chooses One Culture Over The OtherAs parents of multicultural or biracial kids, we have a lot of pressure on our shoulders.We want to make sure our kids understand everything they need to know about each culture in their family and to somehow balance it perfectly.We don't want anyone to think we're pushing our culture above our partner's so we're constantly in a balancing act.Then, the day comes... You thought you were doing a good job of blending cultures equally. You've been doing your best, but then you notice something.You start to realize your child is leaning towards one culture. Instead of trying to balance cultures in their own life, they're starting to identify with one over the other.Maybe you notice it because they start to say they're Indian rather than Indian and (blank)...Maybe they don't want to practice the customs of one culture.As a mom, one of my first reactions to this is that I'm not doing my job. I become frantic worrying about what I've done wrong.Did I not show them the beauty of both cultures?Did I subconsciously push one harder than the other?Was I not focusing on cultures at all?Am I A Bad Mom If My Child Chooses One Culture Over The OtherI have three kids and they've all embraced their multiracial culture differently. At first, it was easy. They were little and frankly didn't have a choice in it all. They were just there in different situations where their culture was presented to them. As they've gotten older, I'm starting to see that they're beginning to decide for themselves.I've always said I want my kids to experience both cultures in their lives and blend them how they feel best. What if how they feel best isn't balanced?I have one child that would move to India and let go of their Western culture in a snap. Okay.. maybe they would smuggle in an iPad on their trip but they love their Indian side. They love learning Telugu, learning new customs, and the FOOD!Then I have my "Indian child." The child everyone says looks the most Indian out of their brothers. He's up for anything! Even though he's little, I can see he likes to blend. He doesn't want to leave anything out.Let's not forget my son who wants the spice from his Indian side and that's about it... He won't touch Indian food with his hands or listen to just about anything.Three kids and three completely different ways to blend cultures.Am I A Bad Mom If My Child Chooses One Culture Over The OtherThe perfectionist and worrier in me says that I'm doing something wrong. I wonder if I should start pushing them to embrace both sides of their unique culture, but then I see their little faces. They're happy. They aren't worried about this impossible balancing act. They simply love their family (Indian and Caucasian), themselves, and their little biracial lives.Society pushes this idea of a perfect balance onto parents, telling us we're lacking something if it's not 50/50. However, I think just about every parent out there has realized perfection is impossible to attain. As much as we'd all love it, nothing is perfect. We can parent perfectly and why would we teach our kids to push themselves to attain the impossible?At the end of the day, I simply want my kids to embrace who they are and be open to new experiences. I want them to see the amazing lessons both cultures can teach them and find a way to blend them that makes them happy.

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Establishing Personal Space In A Multiracial Family

Establishing Personal Space In A Multiracial Family Have you ever experienced a moment of extreme personal space invasion? You’re standing in line at the bank and there's someone in front of you and behind you. While you leave a considerable amount of space in front of you, the person behind you keeps inching forward. Then they get so close, you can feel them breathing on your neck. You compensate by moving forward, but then you’re then invading the space of the person in front of you. They turn around and look at you.It’s not my fault!My husband experienced this in India a few years back. He was raised in the US but he's spent a few years living in India. He was sent to live there with his grandparents as a toddler and visited every few years as he was older. As much as he remembers how it is there, it always takes time to re-acclimate.There are over one billion people living in India...That’s right. Over one billion! With so many people, let’s just say personal space isn’t high on their list of concerns. My husband told me while he was in the city, people were constantly right next to him. They would get close enough that he would end up bumping elbows every five seconds. Instead of realizing they were too close, they seemed oblivious.He also told me he was always getting hugged and kissed by all of the aunties and uncles he met. Whether he knew them or not, everyone was very affectionate. This goes hand and hand with a lack of concern for personal space. It’s not that they don’t understand personal space, it just doesn’t bother them. They’re comfortable being close to each other because that’s what they’ve always known.This is one of many reasons my son Liam is born for Indian culture. He would happily fit into the streets of India, loving every time he bumps into a stranger.Establishing Personal Space In A Multiracial Family However, my son Levi is the complete opposite. He loves physical affection from his daddy and me, but other people are a different story. Everyone knows he's picky on who he decides to hug and kiss. He even has a Troll's blanket that says "No Hugs," just in case he needs to reference it to people!Levi's in a tricky position.As a part of our little multiracial family, he's a part of a culture that expects physical affection and a side that's not about it.Deep down he loves being hugged and squeezed by people that love him, it just has to be on his own time. My husband and I don't ever want to force him to show physical affection to anyone, but we can see the struggle he goes through when he's faced with it.Establishing Personal Space In A Multiracial Family This is one of many moments like this he's going to face. As a biracial child, he's going to be at these little intersections where both of his cultures tell him to do something else. At the end of the day, I don't want him to stress out over which culture he has to choose to listen to. I want him to listen to his own heart and find out what's right for him.His daddy and I will love him regardless of what he chooses. Biracial children have a lot of pressure on their shoulders and I want him to know we love him for who he is, not which culture he identifies with more.

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A Few Things Every Masala Wife Should Know

A Few Things Every Masala Wife Should KnowThere are quite a few things you have to learn when you become a wife. I was very young when I got married and I felt like everything was different. I was learning what it looked like to live with someone, balance everything I had on my plate, and how to be there for my husband.In addition to all of that, I was told I was supposed to be some semblance of an Indian or "masala" wife. Indian culture was completely new to me and I usually had no idea what I was doing. I typically figured it out by doing something wrong or during the aftermath of it all.Today, I'm going to help you out. I'm going to give you a leg up in the battle of knowing everything a masala wife should know.

Learn to cook roti... trust me..

First things first. You need to learn how to make some type of roti. You could make parathas, naan, or chapatis. They're served with just about every meal and you can't depend on you MIL to make them for you forever. Not to mention you will get MAJOR masala wife points in you learn how!

Your mother in law will be very involved.

I hope you didn't think that getting together with your partner or even getting married means you get to make all of your own decisions. Your mother in law will always be involved. They will have advice for you in their back pocket at all times and won't hesitate to let you know when you're doing something wrong.If you're together with a momma's boy you're really in for it. They will tell her absolutely everything, even things you thought would be just between the two of you. She will always be there so make sure you work on that relationship. There's nothing better than a mother in law you actually want to be around and spend time with.

You should start saving for plane tickets now.

Traveling is a must when it comes to being a masala wife. You're going to need to travel to different weddings, events, and to visit family that will most likely be around the world. You may get lucky and have a few of them living in the States otherwise international travel here you come!Don't worry. If you're not a traveler now, you will be. You'll start to love it and get excited to fill up another page on your passport! Not to mention, I would travel anywhere in the world if it meant I could attend yet another Indian wedding!

Your mouth will eventually adapt to Indian spice levels... or your taste buds just go numb.

I'll never forget my first few times eating Indian food. I would sit down with a huge plate of curry, rice, and don't forget a huge glass of milk. I couldn't handle the heat with out a little help from milk!Over the years, I became more and more used to the heat. Now I find myself adding hot sauce to dishes I never would have and ditching the milk! Something happens in your mouth when you start eating Indian food. It starts out as a battle in your taste buds until they finally submit and realize it's not so bad!

Your spouse won't prepare you for everything... or much of anything..

Last, but not least... Your husband will never prepare you for everything. He may try and let you know what to expect in different situations, but most of the time you'll be sitting there trying to figure it all out. Or you'll be like me and figure it out by doing it very.. very wrong!Luckily most people expect it and hopefully give you a break. They may even tease you a bit. The only solution I can tell you is ask a lot of questions and go with the flow. Watch people around you and you will figure it out.

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The First Lie I Ever Told My In-Laws

There were quite a few scary and intimidating moments I had encountered while dating my boyfriend at the time. I knew I was falling hard for Joel, but it was all so new to me. I was young and he was my first serious relationship. As you all know, serious relationships come with a lot of intimidating experiences.One of the scariest is meeting that family for the first time. You want them to love you right away, but instead of going into it with a cool head, your mind plays tricks on you.Would I say the right thing? What would their first impression of me be? Would they like me? Would I survive the night?Some of you have heard bits of this story before. I met my in-laws for the first time in Texas. Cali-Mama (my husband's uncle) lived there and was eager to host Thanksgiving. Their family looked forward to the holidays every year because it meant everyone would come together and soak up as much time with each other as they could.This year was special because Joel invited me along. In his mind, he figured everyone was together so what better time to introduce my girlfriend.I was excited to meet these people Joel had spent so much time talking about but secretly terrified. There are so many people in my husband's immediate family which meant I had a lot of people to convince. To convince that we were a great couple and that I was in it for the long run.Luckily, I was able to transition into the house with ease. We had arrived early so there were only a few people there. Joel's two uncles picked us up from the airport. We quickly hopped into the back seat and I noticed there was a car seat. We sat on either side of it and his uncle (granted his white uncle who is also in an interracial marriage) told me it was there on purpose to keep us apart. I started to laugh and he didn't.... I quickly learned his sense of humor and picked up on the fact that he liked teasing and messing with me. It truly helped take the edge off.The next few days, he proceeded to give me a few pointers and tell me how it was for him coming into the family almost a decade before.He and his wife had one of the first interracial marriages in their family and truly broke the mold for the rest of us. It was a bigger struggle for them because everyone was trying to figure out what it would look like.Would they follow all of the Indian traditions? Would they need to behave like an Indian couple?Luckily for us, they walked through the fire so we didn't have to. Nevertheless, hearing all of his stories made me even more nervous about meeting Joel's mom. I wanted so desperately for her to like me.I’ll never forget the night I met Joel’s mom. Joel decided to be a good son and terrible boyfriend by picking his mom up from the airport. He was a great son because what mom doesn’t want to be picked up from their son who they haven’t seen in a while. Don’t forget the terrible boyfriend part. I was about to meet his mom and what does he do?LEAVES ME ALONE. I ended up pacing the living room the entire time. An hour later, I heard the garage door open.What was I thinking? I can just leave. Walk home. Maybe they won’t notice. Or I can hide.Joel’s sister came in first and she was so sweet and calmed me down so much when she gave me a big hug. Okay, a nice sister. I can do this.Then Joel’s mom came in. She was quiet, slowly walking towards me. I’m sure she was checking me out thinking who in the world is this girl dating my son.She gave me a hug and walked into the kitchen. She then proceeded by asking me what kind of food I cooked. Apparently, Joel told her I made casseroles. Thanks, Joel. First of all, I have NEVER made him a casserole. Ever. What was I supposed to say? I was twenty and barely knew how to cook. So, I said I made casseroles.
I couldn’t decide if she liked me the whole weekend! I second guessed every look and everything she said!I quickly learned Joel’s mom’s sense of humor.. She has this quiet, sarcastic humor that is hilarious. However, if you don’t know her it freaks you out because you can’t tell if she’s serious! Now, we have a great relationship.She teases me about being white and I remind her that I’m more Indian than her son. She would never tell me, but I’ve heard through the grapevine that she’s told people I’m becoming more Indian! Two points for the almost Indian wife.Maybe one day you will be reading my new blog… The INDIAN Wife.

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Should You Do Something You're Uncomfortable With In A Relationship?

I recently did a post discussing my decision to be open to what my elders have to say. I've struggled a lot with this while married to my husband. I am a very strong headed person and saw listening to elders as stifling what I wanted. After a lot of discussion with my husband, we’ve decided to be open to what our elders tell us or ask us to do. This doesn’t mean we blindly do everything they say. We hear what they say, discuss it together, and make our decision as a family.I've received a lot of feedback from this one. Some people understand why we've decided to do this and agree. Others say elders have no place in our relationship, so why would we listen to what they have to say. It's made me think about all of the different situations where this can come up and I realized there isn’t one way that works for every relationship.When you face a decision in a relationship, you have to make a decision together. You have to do what’s best for your family, not just one of you.In any relationship, you will be faced with decisions that affect your family. In an interracial relationship, you'll have to decide where you live, what religion your family will practice, what language is spoken in the house, how to discipline your children, how involved extended family will be, etc.What do you do when you’re asked to do something you’re uncomfortable with?What if your spouse wants you to move to their home country, but you don’t want to?What if your partner wants you to practice a joint family, but you don’t want your in-laws raising your children?What if you want to share your country with your spouse, but he/she won’t give it a chance?You both grew up with different ways of doing things. Each of your cultures tells you what’s normal and what’s not. When you begin an interracial relationship, you have to find a new normal for your family. This means coming together and figuring out what you’ll do together.

The biggest thing you have to keep in mind is that you both have to be happy with your decision.

A few years ago, my husband and I moved our family closer to his side of the family. This meant we moved 36 hours away from my family. It was a really big decision for us. If I wasn’t a part of the decision to move here, it could have caused a lot of issues in our marriage. It would have been easy for this to cause a rift between us. However, we made this decision when we first got married. We discussed where we wanted to settle down and agreed we would settle by his family. There are so many factors that helped us to make this decision.However, timing changed. Every few years we would talk about making the big move. To be honest, I wasn’t ready until a few years ago. I knew I wanted to do it, but it was hard for me to move so far from my family. I had to be fully ready and my husband patiently waited.Now, we’re here and our family is so happy. Sure, we all miss my family, but our reasons for moving here makes it worth it. Indian culture is present in our children’s lives every day. It’s much easier to put them in the middle of this vibrant culture when we’re around my husband’s family. By living closer to my in-laws, it also means my kids are around Telugu more often.

My husband and I made this decision for our family.

We made it together and did what we think is best for our family. You can’t look at other multiracial families and do exactly what they do or concede to the pressure from loved ones to run your family the exact same way they did. They have seen what works for them and try to push you to do the same thing.All you can do is listen to their advice, see how their family functions, and see what you can take from it. Chances are you will be able to take a few things and change other things to fit your family better. There is no right way to have a multiracial family or interracial relationship.You have to communicate with each other every day and constantly reevaluate. You can make a decision that works for a while, but you need to see how those decisions work as your family grows and changes.

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How To Help Your Multiracial Family Ease Back To School

As the summer draws to a close, parents everywhere are walking into the back to school haze. They know everything is about to get crazy. Free time is out the door and hectic schedules are about to be back in full swing.There are so many things to do for kids to be ready to transition back to school. Their sleep schedules are off, they spend their days outside with no desire for a structured activity, and they've gotten used to being home with mom and dad all day.How To Help Your Multiracial Family Ease Back To School

Get Back Onto A Sleep Schedule

Slowly ease your children back to a sleep schedule. During the summer late nights are normal because you're hoping they sleep in just a bit for you.Get them ready for school by setting bedtime a bit earlier and having them wake up by a certain time. Transition slowly to get their body clocks back to normal. If you ditch the transition, the first week back to their school schedule will be rough.

Meet Your Child's New Teacher

Find your teacher's email and schedule a time to meet before school starts. This is a great time for you child to meet their new teacher and maybe even get a little excited!It's also the perfect time to introduce their teacher to your multiracial family. You can share a few of the unique things about your family, words your child may use in a different language, etc. Teachers want to truly know who their students are and be aware of what makes them unique.

Set Up Play Dates With Their New Classmates

In addition to meeting their new teacher, try and set up a play date with some of their new classmates. One of the scariest parts of going back to school is the unknown. It's scary not knowing what to expect and the possibility of not knowing anyone.Make them more comfortable by helping them make a few friends early!

Start A New Back To School Tradition

Start a new tradition to celebrate going back to school! Do a drive in movie the last day of summer, throw a party after the first week with their new friends, or go out to breakfast the first morning. Find something fun that you know your kids will love! Make going back to school a fun thing and something they look forward to!

Make Sure To Have One On One Time With Your Kids Throughout The Week

One big transition kids have when going back to school is less time with mom and dad. They got used to spending all of their extra time with you and now they only get to see you for part of the day.Go out of your way to spend one on one time with them during the school week. It doesn't have to be a huge ordeal. It can be as simple as a little coffee date with momma.

How do you help your family ease back to school schedules and routines?

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