Switching From Nap Time To Quiet Time

Switching From Nap Time To Quiet TimeNap time used to be a special time in our home. It used to be my moment of sanity where I could take my first deep breath all day. Then my kids started to get older. Nap time started to change for each of them.My oldest went from a two hour nap to sitting in bed the whole time,  begging to come out.My husband and I had to figure out what to do. I hoped Liam would just fall asleep, but no. Instead, his constant asking to get up would keep his brothers up. Then it hit us. Nap time had to change. The days of all three kids sleeping at the same time were over.We sat the boys down one night and told them nap times were changing and explained what they would look like.The younger two kept their nap times the same. They laid down while listening to an audible book and then could get up when it was over.

Momma Secret...

They never stayed awake until the book was done. They usually fell asleep about ten minutes in and I turned off their book when I could hear their snoring begin.The big change was for Liam. Instead of taking a nap he transitioned to quiet time.Liam lays down the same time his brothers do. Then he sets an hour timer. During quiet time he reads for 30 minutes and then he can play a video game on his iPad or keep reading until the timer goes off.Quiet time hasn't been as hard of a transition as I thought. Granted his brothers weren't thrilled about the idea, but they adjusted. Liam may be too old for a nap, but he still needs time during the day to calm down. It also gives momma sometime to herself.Are you about to transition to quiet time in your own home?They never stayed awake until the book was done. They usually fell asleep about ten minutes in and I turned off their book when I could hear their snoring begin. The big change was for Liam. Instead of taking a nap he transitioned to quiet time. Liam lays down the same time his brothers do. Then he sets an hour timer. During quiet time he reads for 30 minutes and then he can play a video game on his iPad or keep reading until the timer goes off. Quiet time hasn't been as hard of a transition as I thought. Granted his brothers weren't thrilled about the idea, but they adjusted. Liam may be too old for a nap, but he still needs time during the day to calm down. It also gives momma sometime to herself. Are you about to transition to quiet time in your own home?

Here are a few ideas that you can start to implement with your own quiet time.

Separate your kids so your "quiet timer" can have a space to themselves. This can be on the couch, in a guest room, or even at the kitchen table. Then you can choose what their options are during quiet time.

Reading Time.

Give your kiddo a few picture books to read in bed or get them started on a new chapter book.

Coloring Books.

Have a stash of coloring books in their quiet space so they can pick one and quietly color.

Listen to a book.

Our kids love listening to books. You can get them started on a fun Podcast or let them listen to an Audible book.

Arts and Crafts.

Do you have a crafter on your hand? Get out the craft supplies and let them put their creative juices to work.

Pretend Play.

Let your kiddo play with their favorite action figures or quiet toys.What does quiet time look like in your home?


Be A Better Mom By Doing Less


Episode 5: Exploring Cultures Through Food