40 Things Kids Think About During Nap Time


40 Things Kids Think About During Nap Time

Nap time used to be my favorite time of the day.It meant a relaxing break from the chaos of the day. Now, my two big kids think they're too big for nap time. Instead of happily going to bed like their baby brother, they try to get out of it the whole time!Not to mention they act like they've never had a drink of water in their lives.I get tempted to let them drop their nap, but they are so much happier after they finally give in and take one. I've always wondered what goes through their minds while they lay in their beds.What is it that keeps them up for SO LONG!Here are a few things I'm sure go through my kids heads when they're trying to take a nap! What would you add to the list?

  1. Ooh I forgot to get a drink of water.

  2. Hmm.. I don't think I have to pee, but I'm going to try anyways.

  3. Mom said I cant go to the bathroom during nap time anymore!

  4. What if I really do have to pee!?

  5. I'm thirsty.

  6. Bedtime is so boring!

  7. I'm too big to take naps!

  8. I'll never fall asleep.

  9. Only babies take naps.

  10. I'm really thirsty.

  11. Where is that toy I played with yesterday?

  12. Mom's making me so mad!

  13. Why can't I just get up!

  14. Mom's up.

  15. Mom's not taking a nap.

  16. I'm so thirsty!

  17. I have to pee!

  18. Oooh. Mom got really mad!

  19. I should go down and tell her I love her.

  20. She didn't want to hear it!

  21. She's so mean!

  22. I'M THIRSTY!

  23. I hate naps!

  24. I haven't eaten all day!

  25. Mom said I just had lunch and I think she's lying.

  26. I'm starving.

  27. I'm SO THIRSTY!

  28. Why won't she just let me get up!

  29. OK. I'm going to ask one more time.

  30. Mom's not taking a nap because she's not a baby!

  31. I'm not a baby!

  32. I haven't had anything to drink in SO LONG!

  33. I should see if my brother is sleeping.


  35. MOM!!!!!!!!

  36. I'm never getting out of here!

  37. I hate this room!

  38. This is why I never play in here!

  39. Mmmm. I'm getting really sleepy...

  40. I'm thirs........ zzzzzzzzz

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