Raising Grateful Children: Thank You For My Siblings!

Have you ever wondered if you're raising grateful children? If your children are grateful for the people they love in their lives? Here are a few things you can start doing today to make sure you're raising grateful children!Raising Grateful Children: Thank You For My Siblings!Raising Grateful ChildrenI don't know what it is, but have you ever noticed that every time you need to make an important phone call your kids go crazy?This afternoon I had to call my health insurance company. I only had an hour before they closed and I figured I would try and call while my two youngest were napping. They usually answer pretty quickly so I thought I could get it all done before my boys woke up.After about 15 minutes on hold I realized quick wasn't in the cards for today.Then my three year old woke up and thought it would be helpful to wake up his baby brother. I went up there, phone up to my ear, to grab them. Baby Luke's crib was full of toys along with a 3 year old big brother.They were both grinning ear to ear and loving their mischievousness!I ended up letting them destroy their room so I could finish my supposedly "quick" phone call. I have to admit, I love that they're getting closer.It's one of the reasons I wanted to have my kids so close together. I knew it would come with it's own set of craziness, but it would be worth it. I wanted my kids to be close.I was worried in the beginning because all my boys would do was fight! My husband and I joked about their love-hate relationship, but deep down I was worried they wouldn't be as close as I hoped. Now that they're a bit older, I'm starting to see how deep their brotherly bond really is.Raising Grateful Children: Thank You For My Siblings!They all look to each other for approval, wanting to make sure their brothers think they're doing something amazing. The best is while we sit down for meals. They start telling jokes and instantly look to make sure their brothers are laughing at them! Even Baby Lucas joins in! No one knows what he actually says, but they love that he's trying and think his' hilarious!I want them to continue getting closer as they get older.I want my kids to be best friends.Raising Grateful Children: Thank You For My Siblings!

3 Ways To Ensure You're Raising Grateful Children

This month, I want my kids to take a moment to be grateful for their siblings. The more they learn what they love and value in each other, the closer they'll be.

Lead By Example

If we want to teach our kids to be grateful, we have to start by being grateful ourselves. Kids are always looking to their parents to figure out what to do. If they can see us being grateful and loving to those around us, they'll follow suit.Parents can model gratitude by verbally expressing it, sending thank you notes, and even giving little gifts.Remind your kids how important to be thankful for people they love and talk to them about it. Let them know why you're thankful for them!

Create A Habit

Instead of being grateful once a year on Thanksgiving, make it a year long routine. Create a habit in your home to talk about what your thankful for. Whether it's over dinner each night, as you tuck your kids in bed, or on the way home from a busy day.It doesn't matter when you do it, just do it. Create those conversations early on so they become normal.Raising Grateful Children: Thank You For My Siblings!

Sibling Dates

As your kids watch you leading a grateful life and a let it become a habit in their own, it will quickly start to affect their relationships with their siblings.You can foster their relationships with each other more by letting them have sibling dates!Do something fun and take them to a movie! Let them choose what they want to see together and their snacks! Or let them come up with their date night on their own. Encourage them to have fun thinking up the whole night and what they're going to do.The most important thing you can do as a parent is to help your children build strong relationships with each other.These relationships are going to last for their entire lives. By helping your kids learn how to be grateful for each other, you're making sure they have a strong foundation that can last through it all.

What tips do you have for helping your kids be grateful for their siblings?


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