What Makes An Intercultural Family Unique

guest post picAs you can see on the blog today, Linda from Linda Living In China has stopped by to share a delicious recipe from her family with us. I was also able to guest post over at her blog as well! Enjoy some delicious chai outside this morning and read both posts!Here is a little snippet from my post.“Intercultural families are very unique. Most couples have two people from different families come together and start a new family. While their families may have been different, they have a similar culture. The similarity helps hold them together. An intercultural family has two people from two different families and two distinct cultures. Intercultural families have to figure out how to blend two distinct cultures into one family.I met my husband in a program we were both doing with our church. We fell in love and were married one year later. Now, we have three children under four and six years of an intercultural marriage under our belts. Is our family just like everyone else’s?Read more here


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