Things I Never Thought I Would Say Until I Had Kids...

Things I Never Thought I Would Say Until I Had Kids...After a full week of going to the gym every day, my children are finally excited to go. It started off a struggle every morning because none of us wanted to go, but I knew we needed to. After they started to make new friends and realized how much fun they were having, they started to anticipate it every morning.Now, we're all excited to get out the door in the morning to head to the gym. Okay, I still have my days where I have to listen to my trusty Instagram friends and sleep in my gym clothes to motivate me to go, but I'm having less and less of those days. This morning, my kids were racing to the Lifetime Kid's Activity Room (fancy name for gym childcare). Liam beat us to the door and the only logical move that came to Levi was to bite him. "Levi, we don't bite!""Mom, he won and I hate when he wins! So, I bit him.""Well, I don't bite my brothers when they beat me at something."As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized how silly it sounded. Sometimes, the things we have to tell our kids is completely nuts. I never would have expected I would have had to tell my kids half the things I do on a weekly basis. Another mom over heard me and started laughing. She knew it too. We gave each other the look. You know the look I'm talking about. The "I'm right there with you," look. This post is to all of you moms out there. I'm right there with you! Here are just a few of the things I've had to tell my kids....

Never in a million years did I think I would have to say to my kids...

It's not nice to pee on your brother. Why are you licking him!?Stop licking the floor!Don't eat that! It was in the garbage!Stop licking the dog's water!Take the underwear off your head!Stop putting underwear on your baby brother's head!Don't clean the toilet with your tooth brush!You can't put your sandwich on the toilet!Stop trying to fart on your brother's face!No, you cannot put your brother in your toy box.No poop is not a bad word, I just don't want to hear you talk about it. Be a good example and stop eating your boogers!

I definitely didn't expect them to say this...

Mom, I had to pee and I couldn't wait so I peed in the tub.Mom! My brother is outside naked!Do you see that? That man has a towel on his head. I think he was just in the shower. Mom, you're tummy is big again. Is there another baby in there?How did my baby brother come out of your belly button? It's really small...Mommy, if you don't let me stay up I won't give you any money... but I will give you money...Did the dinosaurs eat Jesus?Mommy, when I get big can I marry you?Mom, Levi took my bed skin (bed sheet) off!--Life with kids is one of the craziest things, but it's never dull.

What is the craziest thing you've found yourself saying to your kids?


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