Motherhood Expectations

Multicultural Motherhood: What's Expected From A Mom With Little KidsI've always wanted to have kids. It's never been a question for me. I grew up with younger brothers, working in the church, babysitting, and searching for new babies at church to hold. I am completely obsessed with little squishy babies.However, I don't think I ever thought of how much work they really require. I'm not one to complain all the time, but sometimes you just need to.Being a mom is hard work. We are always expected to do things for other little creatures. Here are just a few of the things moms are expected to do...What's expected of moms with little ones

Motherhood Expectations

You are expected to live off of a few hours of interrupted sleep.You have to kiss every, single boo-boo. Even if they're two weeks old.You're expected to make meals for picky eaters or homemade baby food for babies that decide they hate avocados after you mixed it into everything. Scratch little one's backs until they choose to fall asleep.Determine what's wrong with little ones when the only hint is a blood curdling scream.You're expected to wear dirty shirts because no matter how many times you change in one day, you still find boogers, spit up, food, and things you don't want to know all over them.Answer hundreds of, "But why, mama" and "What's that mean" all day long.Do it for free!

Why Do We Do It?

As hard as some of those days are, I don't know one mother out there that would give any of it up. God gives us mama's the strength and grace to get through every day. I don't how, but He does.I was having a rough day, a few days ago, and my little Liam made it all better in a few seconds. I was sitting on the couch, avoiding the pile of laundry in my room and overwhelmed with my day. He came up to me, asked me to scoot over, put his arm around me, kissed my cheek, and said, "I love you mama."I'll take all the booger shirts, sleepless nights, crying, and questions any day for my boys.Motherhood ExpectationsIt's easy to focus on the hard days. When you experience your next one, I challenge you to sit down with your kiddo, set aside all distractions, and just spend time with them. Remind yourself why you do it, how much you love them, and how their little kisses really do melt all the problems away.


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