Find Out How Stitch Fix Spiced Up My Momma Style

How Stitch Fix Spiced Up My Momma Style

Stitch Fix Momma Style
I do receive a small commission if you sign up with Stitch Fix. However, all thoughts and oppinions expressed here are my own. I only refer items I truly love and use.
My momma style has always been the same. I find something I like and end up buying the same thing over and over again. After getting married to my husband, my style started to change. I was introduced to the world of Indian clothes and loved it.They were the complete opposite of what I typically wore. While I wore neutral colors, they were all bright. While I like simple, they were elaborate. It showed me that I didn't know what styles I liked as much as I thought I did. I started trying to explore different styles and brands. I set up Pinterest boards to get inspiration, but one problem always came up. While I could look up styles at night after the kids went to bed, I couldn't go shopping and look around with my kids.My husband travels for work which means it's just the kids and I most of the time. When I go to the store I go with a purpose. I make a plan so I'm in and out as long as possible. The longer I end up at the store the more likely it is my kids will melt down or start fighting.Right as I was about to give up on spicing up my wardrobe, I found Stitch Fix. It's an online company that lets you shop at home!!

How Does Stitch Fix Work

Step One: Fill out your profile and let the company know what you like, don't like, want to try, and even throw a Pinterest board in there. I set up my own Pinterest board to show them exactly what I liked.Step Two: Get a stylist. Stitch Fix assigns a personal stylist to you. Yep, that's right! They check out your profile and even ask you questions. You can even send them a note too, explaining what you want in your box.Step Three: Receive your Stitch Fix box with all of your goodies! This is the fun part. You get a box full of five different items. You can see what they are, try them on, and see what you think.Step Four: Within three days you will return whatever you don't want in the bag they send you. It's simple. You don't have to pay to return it, you just drop it off at a post office. You only pay for the items you keep and your $20 styling fee goes towards any item you end up buying.Step Five: Show off your adorable items!

Stitch Fix Mom StyleWhat's In My Stitch Fix Box

Check out my box reveal here!

Maxi Dress $68: This dress is from Papermoon. It's comfortable and has a cinched waist. I loved this dress because I tend to not be able to wear long dresses because they're too long. This was great because i could move the cinch up higher on my waist for the perfect height.Halter Blouse $44: This blouse is from Pixley and it's just adorable. I love flowy tops like this because I find them so flattering. Especially because I like to wear leggings as often as I can. This top is perfect to wear with leggings or skinny jeans.Clutch $48: This clutch is from Street Level. Wow. Let's just take a second to admire this little beauty. It's adorable. I love that it even has an optional strap. You can dress it us and use it as a clutch or wear it day to day with the strap. It even has multiple pockets and can even work as a wallet.White Denim Jacket $88: This jacket it from Liverpool. While this coat was extremely comfortable, it reminds me too much of the 80's. I even talk about that in my unboxing video. This was the only item from my box that I wasn't a big fan of. However, they recommended it to go along with the maxi dress which I could see being really cute.V-Neck Dress $68: This dress is from Liverpool. This was the item I ended up choosing to keep. It's adorable and it was perfect for my conference. I spiced it up with a cute necklace and I've already worn it a few times! I love it because it comes right to my knees and it super comfortable.

Find out more about Stitch Fix here!

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Find Out How Stitch Fix Spiced Up My Momma Style


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