How To Make KILLER Indian Food At Home

How to make killer Indian food at home!It's no secret to many of you that my poor husband had to deal with some pretty horrible meals when we first got married. We were young and I had no clue what I was doing. Sure, he could have picked up the slack and made up for my bad dinners, but he was a worse cook than I was!He could hardly boil water let alone teach me how to make an authentic Indian dish!It's one of the curses of getting married young. The positive part of it was that we ended up having to learn how to do it together! Almost ten years later and we've definitely made some progress. A few years ago, we hosted our own Thanksgiving where my husband made the most delicious turkey I've ever tasted!!!!! We've even started a new tradition where we have our friends over for authentic Indian feasts! Guess who the cook is...? ME!I never could have imaged my husband and I learning how to cook, let alone loving it! Ladies, do you know how hot it is when your husband makes your family a home-cooked meal?!One of our favorite things to cook together is Indian food. It took us quite a while to get the hang of it, but we did it! We got sick of trying out new Indian food restaurants only to find out they were a waste of time. Joel was dying to get some good, authentic Indian food in his life and my new found obsession demanded it!How to make killer Indian food at home!

Check out the tips we learned to make killer Indian food at home!

Always rinse your rice!

I don't know about you, but I had no idea you were supposed to rinse rice! Am I alone on this one? You're supposed to rinse the rice until the water is clear. It helps remove some of the extra starch from the rice and it ends up tasting much better!

Be patient.

Good food takes time. You can't try to rush it all along to fit your schedule or to quiet the hungry kids in your kitchen. You need to put the rush work in beforehand by prepping your ingredients and then let your food cook slowly. Let the spices blend together, and your dish simmer to perfection. While your hungry family may be getting on your last nerve, they'll more than forgive you when they taste the delicious dinner!

Don't skimp on spices.

What do you think one of the biggest misconceptions about Indian food is? Everyone always thinks it's all too spicy. Then they end up skimping on the spices only to find a bland dish.I promise you'll always regret skimping. Instead, add in what the recipe calls for and slowly add in the chili powder. Making it less spicy is one thing, but taking out other spices in fear of what it could be is only going to make you wish you spent the time going through drive-through instead.

Learn a thing or two from family recipes.

We ended up learning most of our cooking skills from our family! Joel's family taught us how to make a curry base, how to roast fresh spices, and how to temper our sauce so it didn't curdle.Don't rely on yourself to figure out all the cooking tricks. Instead, ask people that have been doing it for much longer than yourself. We learned tips and tricks that had been passed down through generations!

Always use fresh ingredients when possible.

A simple mistake when cutting costs is to buy cheap spices or packaged products. Do everything you can to use fresh ingredients when possible. You will definitely taste the difference. You can also buy fresh ingredients in bulk and then freeze them until you need them.It helps you cut costs without losing out on taste.What tips and tricks have you learned while cooking? Did you have someone in your life that taught you or did you figure it out on your own?Are you ready to try out a few recipes on your own? Check out my favorite Indian dishes below!


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