Life Lessons Interracial Couples Can Learn From Fairy Tales

Life Lessons Interracial Couples Can Learn From Fairy Tales

Life Lessons Interracial Couples Can Learn From Fairy Tales

As a little girl, I was obsessed with Fairy Tales. I loved watching couples fall in love on my Disney movies and watching their stories unfold. You'd think it would have changed as I got older, but I've only become more obsessed!I love watching fairy tales with my kids. If you watch them closely, you can even find valuable life lessons in their storylines. Lessons that we could use in our own marriages!


Cinderella grew up in a family that didn't love or respect her. They constantly dug in and tried to make her life terrible. If I were Cinderella, my first reaction would have been to be nasty right back. She didn't do that. She rose above it all and loved on them regardless.As interracial couples, we aren't always embraced by a family that fully accepts our relationship. Instead, we can be faced with family members that won't accept you. They may even be like Cinderella's family and tear you down. If we can learn one thing from Cinderella, it's to never stop loving them. Acceptance doesn't come easily for everyone and that's okay.You and your partner are together because you love each other. It will either take your family time to accept that or maybe they never will. Either way, you have the choice to rise above. You don't have to be hateful to them as well. Do your best to let it roll off your shoulders and love them with your actions.I'm not saying let them take advantage of you. At the end of the day, you aren't responsible for how they act. You're responsible for your own response. If you feed into the hate by giving it right back, it becomes an endless cycle. What if your loving response could actually lead to a good relationship with them in time? Sometimes the strongest way to fight against hate is by responding in love.

The Little Mermaid

As an interracial couple, you are constantly faced with new things. Those new things span from new food to new situations. Frankly, it can be terrifying. I grew up in a family where things stayed the same most of the time. We ate the same things, weren't too adventurous, and I was comfortable. Then I got married and was constantly pushed out of my comfort zone. I rarely knew what kind of meat I was eating or what to do in these new situations.If we were to take a few notes from The Little Mermaid, we would realize that it's usually worth it. It may be scary, but it can also be life-changing. She moved to a new world and rarely knew what she was doing. She didn't let that stop her! She tried everything, had an open mind, and it all changed her life.How can The Little Mermaid challenge you to be more adventurous? Are you the woman living in a new world (maybe a new country) or are you in an interracial relationship trying to embrace a new culture? Either way, you can open your mind and watch how it all changes your life!


One of my favorite fairy tales is Frozen. I love the story of two sisters who love each other. The problem is Elsa loves her sister so much that she tries to protect her by hiding who she is. Yes, her parents prompted this decision, but after they passed away, she hid.Their story taught me how important it is to open up and trust special people in your life. When they finally trusted each other, they were able to do anything. As interracial couples, we tend to try and do it all ourselves. We think we know everything. Then we end up drowning in our own problems.Interracial relationships bring about so many unique challenges. Sometimes, you just need someone on the outside to give a new perspective. My husband and I have surrounded ourselves with older and younger interracial couples. I love having people in my life that have been through similar things as myself.If I actually allow myself to open up and trust them I can hear the advice and wisdom they have to offer. It may even end up saving me from a lot of struggle and hard seasons!

Head over to the comments and name one fairy tale that has taught you a valuable lesson.


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