You Know You're Biracial When...As a mother of three biracial boys, I know they're going to experience some unique moments in their lives. There are going to be different times in their lives that only other people in a multiracial family can understand.

You're Used To Hearing Two Different Languages

You've grown accustomed to hearing two different languages all the time. Between your parents and your extended family members, people are always speaking a blend of different languages. So much so that you may not even notice it anymore.

You Find Yourself Constantly Explaining Your Ethnicity

One of the first things people ask you when you meet them is, "What are you?" It's not even a surprising question anymore. You know it's coming and then you have to figure out if you're going to be giving them the long answer or short answer. Are you going to try and explain your biracial heritage to them or are you going to do a short cut and pick one?

You Have To Convince People Your Parents Really Are Your Parents

When people see you walking down the street with your parents, they always assume you're not together. In their minds there's no way you could all be from one family. Then you have to try and convince them that they are indeed your parents.

You Never Know Which Box To Check On Forms

Standardized tests have always been a big pain. Now, you have the stress of figuring out which box to check when they ask you about your ethnicity. They're pushing you to choose a side and then you see both parents sitting on your shoulders, waiting to see which one you pick.

You're Expected To Be Bilingual

People are always assuming you speak both languages because you're biracial. While you probably understand a good portion of it, due to the constant scolding from your parents, speaking it is a whole different ball game. Some people even consider you "less than" because of this little fact and you just roll your eyes.

You're Feel Torn Between The Expectations From Both Cultures

Both cultures are telling you to behave a certain way and then you find yourself at the trivial fork in the road. Which culture do you listen to? It doesn't matter which one you pick because either way you end up with a family member in the background scolding you for your choices.

You Can Easily Spot Other Biracial People

You have this crazy radar where you can spot a biracial child or adult anywhere you go. They walk into a room and your spidey senses know they're there. You look around until you spot them and give them a little head nod in acknowledgement.

You Ate Fusion Food Before It Started Trending

Your home has always been full of fusion food. Mom will prepare a big dinner and then all the sides will be a jumble of both cultures in the house. Not to mention all the hot sauce!

You Always Get Looks When You Tell People Your Last Name

The second you tell people your last name, they immediately look at you sideways. "What kind of name is that?" Human. It's a human last name. I mean how are you supposed to answer that!?

You Know Some Of Your Family Members Still Give Your Parents The Stink Eye

Your parents broke the mold when they got together. While a lot of people had open minds and decided that love was enough, some people were stuck in the past. They looked at your parents relationship and saw something wrong. Even years later, you still find them giving you and your parents looks.

Fill in the blank. You Know You're Biracial When _______.....



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