How To Keep Up With Your Family's Laundry

How To Keep Up With Laundry For The Whole Family


Laundry has been my least favorite chore around the house since I was in high school. I would do anything to get out of doing it, but somehow my mom always made it MY chore.Now, I have three kids, one husband, and two dogs... this means I have A LOT of laundry to do each week. I always had great intentions to get it done right as I took it out of the dryer, but life would happen and it would end up tossed onto a couch or into my black hole of a closet.My whole family knew about the black hole in the closet. If they needed more clean clothes, they would begrudgingly walk to the closet. They knew they had a HUGE pile of clothes to look through and tried to do it quickly.I'd love to say it only lasted for a week, but... it was much longer than that. It was the one chore I just couldn't keep up with!Some weeks were better than others, but overall it was just overwhelming.Then this summer happened. I decided enough was enough and I wanted to get a handle on laundry. If I can become an EX LAUNDRY PROCRASTINATOR then you can too!How To Keep Up With Laundry For The Whole Family

If you're trying to keep up with laundry for your whole family, follow these simple steps.


Get rid of it all! Okay, maybe not all the clothes, but get skim down for everyone. Do your kids really need 20 shirts? Nope. Go through and get rid of clothes with stains, clothes they don't wear, and then throw a few more in the bag.

Put clothes in storage.

Separate all your clothes into seasons. Only keep out the clothes your kids are actually wearing all the time. Then you can put the rest in a plastic tub and store it for later.

Create a laundry system.

Find a system to make it all easier. I ordered a laundry hamper that separates all my laundry. I separate whites, my and my husband's darks, towels, my kid's darks, and bedding. This helps me to keep up with it all and actually wash everything.

Teach the kids to fold their own laundry.

As clothes come out of the dryer I like to separate them for my kids. I put each kid's pile on their bed. Then they get to take care of it. Depending on their age they can fold, hang up, or simply put in their drawer. It gives them a sense of independence and also helps momma out!

Do laundry the same day every week.

Create a schedule for yourself. Whether it be towels on Monday, kid's clothes on Wednesday... Find a routine that works out well for you and be consistent. Put it on your fridge or in your phone. Just do it.

Don't wait.

We've all forgotten about the clothes in the washer and ended up running it again... or maybe for a third time.. Stop the cycle!*Ha. Did you catch the pun? Mom joke? It's okay still proud!*The second the washer is done, put it in the dryer, then fold it right away!


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