Big Kid Friendly School Lunch Ideas!

Big Kid Approved School LunchesMy oldest was extremely excited to start public school this year! He had been homeschooled the last few years and we decided to make a big change after we bought our house in the middle of the year. My sis year old looked at my husband and I and told us he was ready to start public school!Most of you know me pretty well by now... I'm extremely impulsive. I mean I even went to the pet store to get dog food and left with a puppy! Much to my husband's surprise!We're spur of the moment and it's definitely rubbed off on our son.We have been able to jump into the crazy life of school drop offs and packed lunches pretty well. I still belly ache every morning I have to wake up at 6 am and don't plan on stopping anytime soon! I think most parents still do that though so I'm okay with it.The tricky part has been school lunches. I figured uncrustables every day would make him happy, but I was wrong! Every idea I threw at my six year old was quickly shot down.Lunch meat sandwiches? No.Tortilla roll ups? No.Random crap that could constitute as lunch? No.Of course sleep deprived me got a little frustrated. When I finally nailed down what he actually did want, I found out he wanted leftovers and hot lunches sent with him to school every day. I went to the store that day and picked up a thermos to put in his lunch box.These things are crazy because they keep his lunch hot until lunch time! I made the mistake the first day of sending extra hot soup. I figured it would cool off by then and would be the perfect temperature. Nope. Instead, it was still just as piping hot as when I filled it up!Now that we've figured out the heat situation, onto the menu for the week!Big Kid Approved School Lunches

Big Kid Approved School Lunches

Here is a list of big kid approved school lunches! My six year old loves these and would eat them every single week if he could! Warm them up the morning of school, throw it in a thermos, and they're ready to go!Chicken Kofta CurryChicken NuggetsChili and Tortilla ChipsKeema (Ground Meat Curry)Almond Chicken CurryGrilled Cheese SandwichSamosa Hand PiesMacaroni and CheeseSpaghettiPizza PocketsHot DogsEnglish Muffin Make Your Own PizzaSoupBeef StewChicken WingsBig Kid Approved School LunchesThermos's are great because you can throw just about anything into it! Take a little bit from dinner or even take out and throw the lid on!My favorite is to throw in left over Indian food. I will either make extra over the weekend or whip up a big batch just for lunches on Sunday. Then we just fill up the bottom with rice and throw the curry on top!My picky child has helped me to think outside of the box! I love that he's so proud to bring Indian food with him and he even tells his friends all about it!What do your kids bring for lunch during the school week?


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